Larrian Gillespie MD
Larrian Gillespie MD has followed her passion for artisanal culinary experiences by holding certifications from the French Pastry School, Chicago, La Varenne, Paris, Le Centre de Formations D’Alain Ducasse, Paris, France, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo as an artisanal cheese maker, private studies with Max McCalman, the acclaimed Maître Fromager of the Guilde Internationale de Fromagers, Saint Uguzon, and from the Academie Opus Casseus, St Haon le Chatel, France as a French artisanal cheese maker and cheesemonger under the tutelage of Hervé and Laurent Mons. She is a member of ONAOO, Imperia, Italy as an Olive Oil Sommelier, the International Association of Culinary Professionals, the American Cheese Society, the United States Bartenders Guild, American Institute of Wine and Food and the Acoustical Society of America. In addition, Larrian has studied extensively in chocolate with several Meilleur Ouvrier de France (M.O.F.) and World Pastry Champions.
She is the CEO of Culinary Science Industries, Addiction Mixology and Culinary Sonic Instruments in Beverly Hills. She has taught seminars at the Portland Cocktail Week, Golden State of Cocktails, Nightclub and Bar Show, Tales of the Cocktail, the International Farm to Table conference and Catersource. Larrian, a UCLA trained urologic surgeon, is the author of more than 10 scientific articles, four chapters in medical textbooks, and is the inventor of four pharmaceutical patents on angiogenesis. She is a recognized nutritional expert, author of nine popular books and has appeared on Good Morning America, CNN and many other national programs.
Her career choice was featured as the cover story in Parade Magazine and she has served on the advisory board of SHAPE Magazine, Current Topics in Urology and several major publishing imprints on health issues. Her interests and expertise in pharmacology, gastrophysics, modernist cuisine and flavor synergy has placed her as one of the most sought-after consultants in the culinary world.
Flavor and mood are tied to the same receptor, meaning taste and aroma can either elevate and enhance a guest’s experience or completely ruin their time at your bar. Larrian Gillespie, M.D. will walk you through the stimulating fields of taste neurology, gastrophysics and sonic mixology in order to better understand the relationship between flavor synergy, spirits, the brain and delivering pleasure to your guests through cocktail flavors.
“Why we eat and drink what we do originates in the mind rather than the palate,” said Dr. Gillespie. “Understanding how to alter our moods through flavor could prove to be the key to succeeding in changing our diets where other nutritional interventions have failed.”
Mixology goes beyond creating unique drinks. In this class, you’ll also learn about the interplay between color, texture, sound, shape, perception of flavor and acoustic streaming to create new aromatic compounds which are hidden in post-distilled spirits.
In addition, Dr. Gillespie will discuss:
Using sonic mixology to destroy residual bacteria, mold and yeast in post-distilled bottles
How to make alcohol impervious to oxygen damage and give it a longer shelf life
Sonochemistry, one of the hottest new research fields in mixology
Superior ways of performing extractions, fat washing and seamless powder blending
The four keys to fracturing a cellular membrane to improve extraction
Why understanding agonist drug therapy can lead to flavor-addicting cocktails and recipes
The flavor compounds in alcohols and how to prevent a cocktail disaster by understanding “The Cocktail Matrix”
Larrian conducts flavor-pairing related corporate and private seminars, training and speaking engagements, and she offers consulting services for retailers and restaurants.
Contact Larrian here.
“ Larrian is a great speaker. She really understands women’s issues and can translate “doctor talk” into language anyone can understand. I’ve learned a lot from her.”
“I found Larrian to be fully engaged in her cheese studies and able to easily grasp the concepts of cheese making, ripening, nutrition, safety concerns, as well as wine pairing principles. Her background knowledge and enthusiasm for the subject matter made her the best type of student one could wish for: one that could pick up a topic then add thoughtful analysis.”
“Larrian’s medical training and long experience brings a fascinating depth of experience to her work in the culinary world. She is expertly conversant with the phenomenon of taste at a molecular level, and her work in cheese, jams, wine, mixology, and recipe development are an excellent outlet for her wide interests. She’s an engaging and articulate speaker whose enthusiasm knows no bounds!”
“En ce mois de mai 2014, nous avons eu encore plus de soleil que d’habitude avec la présence de Larrian pour notre cours ! Larrian s’est particulièrement illustrée dans ses compétences d’expertise sensorielle des fromages. Sa formation initiale l’aide aujourd’hui également à comprendre et lire les subtilités du goût des fromages !!”
(“This past May 2014, we had more sunshine than usual with the presence of Larrian in our course! Larrian has particularly celebrated expertise in the area of sensory analysis in cheese. Her background training contributes to her current ability to read and understand the subtleties of cheese flavors!”)”
“I met Larrian the first time during an Olive Oil Tasting Course held by ONAOO ( National Olive Oil Taster Organization ) in Imperia ( Italy ) in 2013. She immediately drew my attention for her deep interest in the topic, both from the sensory point of view and the theoretical aspects behind the “practical” topics. In particular, she showed her interest in all the nutritional aspects and implications thanks to her medical background and expertise.
ONAOO and I are co-operating with Larrian in supporting her researches on some nutritional aspect and dietary outcome from Olive Oil consumption, for the sensory analyses of the oils under investigation.”
“The most revolutionary way of considering flavor I have encountered yet”
“Utterly phenominal presentation. I sit through them and give them for a living and this has blown them out of the water. I learned and laughed the whole time. Thank you!”
“Very informative and has peaked my interest in flavors and ways to enhance them, thus making my cocktails craveable as well as pretty darn delicious.”
“· Dr. Gillespie is awesome! Topic is fascinating – delivery concise and not too cerebral or self-serving.
· Fascinating topic and speaker. Visually stimulating, engaging presentation. Get her back next year.
Average Score: 5/5